board insulation - перевод на русский
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board insulation - перевод на русский

Fiberglass batting; Fiberglass batt; Insulation material; Blanket insulation; Faced insulation; Foam insulation; Insulation batt materials; Board insulation; Batt insulation; Batt (building insulation); Reflective foil laminate; Building insulation materials
  • Aluminum panel]] facing an air space.
  • A building site for a row of riverside apartment blocks in Cambridge. The buildings are being constructed using a systems build with a steel frame and various prefabricated components. The blue plastic on the central building is the vapour barrier for the thermal wall insulation before the exterior cladding has been fixed.

board insulation         

строительное дело

жёсткая изоляция

board insulation         
жёсткая изоляция
blanket insulation         
рулонная изоляция


ПАНСИ'ОН, пансиона, ·муж. (·франц. pension).
1. Закрытое среднее учебное заведение с общежитием (·ист. ). "Она воспитана была... в благородном пансионе у эмигрантки Фальбала." Пушкин. Благородный пансион при Московском Университете где подготовлялись к вступлению в Университет).
| Общежитие для учащихся (·устар. ). Гимназический пансион.
2. Род небольшой гостиницы семейного характера, где сдаются комнаты со столом и полным содержанием (·устар. ). Поселиться в частном пансионе.
3. Содержание жильцов на полном довольствии (·устар. ). Сдается комната с пансионом.


Building insulation material

Building insulation materials are the building materials which form the thermal envelope of a building or otherwise reduce heat transfer.

Insulation may be categorized by its composition (natural or synthetic materials), form (batts, blankets, loose-fill, spray foam, and panels), structural contribution (insulating concrete forms, structured panels, and straw bales), functional mode (conductive, radiative, convective), resistance to heat transfer, environmental impacts, and more. Sometimes a thermally reflective surface called a radiant barrier is added to a material to reduce the transfer of heat through radiation as well as conduction. The choice of which material or combination of materials is used depends on a wide variety of factors. Some insulation materials have health risks, some so significant the materials are no longer allowed to be used but remain in use in some older buildings such as asbestos fibers and urea.